Saturday, May 4, 2013

Shawn, Lose that Weight Already!

When I arrived at college, I weighed about 140 pounds. For a person of height 5' 8", that was actually relatively skinny. In the first three months I was there, I gained 40 pounds. I briefly lost about 6 when I returned home for a break, but since then I've probably put that weight back on - and then some. I don't even know how much I weigh now, and I don't want to.

The last time I was overweight was at age 12. As I grew in my teen years the weight and height sort of balanced out and things turned out alright. But this time I don't have the help of adolescence. I don't like the physical condition I am in. Because I gained weight so rapidly, I have stretch marks on my legs. Even just trying to reach across a table or desk to grab something has become a little more of a challenge.

This is unhealthy, and I don't intend on staying like this. I'd prefer to live a long and healthy life. That can't be done when I'm 50+ pounds overweight. Something needs to be done about this.

Diet and exercise are the two most commonly suggested things, and I think those are what I want to go with.

This begins my path to a healthier weight. My goal is 140 pounds. How will it be done? Snacking less, being more active, healthier choices in food. This will take a few months for me, but it has to be done. My life literally depends on this. I've set a precedence here by posting on Saturdays. I will try to keep this habit consistent.

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